Welcome to our new website

Today, after a long period of preparation, we have launched our new website.

After more than 10 years, we have said goodbye to the previous site, which no longer met the requirements of modern functions. The newly designed site complies with the so-called "responsive design" standard, i.e. it automatically adapts to the respective screen size on which the page is called up. Above all, this allows the booking page to be optimally displayed on all mobile devices. Many tickets purchased online are still purchased via the "faehre.de" app. This will soon only be done via the website. The "faehre.de" app will finally be switched off at the beginning of the new year 2024. For our "mobile" customers, this changeover means more stability and flexibility in all operating systems. Whether the site is accessed under IOS, Android or Windows, whether with the Edge, Firefox or Chrome browser (and many others...) no longer matters - the site works everywhere with all functions. Complex adaptations to a specific operating system are now a thing of the past (the app is already no longer available on all Android devices).

The website www.faehre.de is now almost 25 years old and remains the central sales and information platform of Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei Föhr-Amrum GmbH. As usual, you can find all information on current events here, especially timetable changes, buy tickets online and make vehicle reservations. The W.D.R. has been offering genuine online booking since 2001; at that time it was not yet possible to purchase flight or train tickets in the same way in Germany.

The new website was redesigned and programmed by Hochzwei in Flensburg using Typo 12 in close co-operation with our project team. We would like to thank everyone involved and look forward to sharing the new offer with our customers. Please feel free to give us feedback at info(at)faehre.de!

With best regards from the island of Föhr,

Your Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei Föhr-Amrum GmbH

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