Our cruising area
There is simply nothing to compare with the North Frisian Wadden Sea. It is a unique natural experience, with a diverse flora and fauna and a landscape that has been shaped and characterised by wind and tides since the beginning.
Thanks to extensive measures, it has been possible to preserve the original state of the Wadden Sea. It is specially protected as a national park and biosphere reserve. UNESCO also recognised the uniqueness of this area and named the Wadden Sea a "World Heritage Site of Humanity".
As a North Frisian company, we are committed to protecting the Wadden Sea and at the same time want to enable our passengers to experience this World Heritage Site up close on a crossing to the islands or Halligen. Even after all these years, the Wadden Sea as a cruising area is still something very special for us: the tides, the constant changes in the topography of the seabed and the high demands on environmental protection determine our daily work.